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Relationships mean more than ever.

Rocks With Soul

I consider myself a relationship jeweler meaning that once you buy a piece of jewelry from me, you are pretty much stuck with me. You all bring such depth to my life …. and you clearly have great taste in jewelry.

I think a lot about what jewelry people have and what their next piece should be….some may say I’m obsessed but I can honestly say I am just lucky enough to have found my passion in my work. I love what I do.

I consider you all a gift.

Malachite Heart Charm

Just two weeks ago, one of my favorite clients passed away after a short fight with cancer. Her name was Pat and I loved her with every fiber of my being. And Pat loved Rocks with Soul. She loved thinking about what her next piece would be and then she would show up to my showroom with a smile on her face and such a sense of excitement that it made me beam. I didn’t really know Pat outside of my showroom but I can tell you that over the years, we got to know each other in a very real way. It’s not that it was about the jewelry but the jewelry made her happy. And I feel so grateful and lucky that through my jewelry I got to know a really special person. Pat is amongst the angels now but I will really miss her here on earth.

I guess I just want to say in that thinking about Pat, I don’t take any of it for granted.

Relationships matter. Rest in peace dear Pat and to all of you, thank you for enriching my life in a very real way.

❤️ Kerri


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